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Top Reasons to Hire a Baltimore Workers Compensation Lawyer


The workers' compensation system may have been meant to offer timely and fair compensation for injured employees, but these days it seems to work primarily to the advantage of employers and insurers. Furthermore, insurance companies have teams of highly qualified lawyers on their side. Hiring an experienced workers' comp attorney will be your best bet if you want to tilt the scales in your favor. Here are some of the top reasons to hire a Baltimore workers' compensation lawyer. Please view this site for further details. 


Reasonable Costs

Numerous people choose to forgo hiring a workers' comp lawyer because they want to save money, however, that is a decision that typically winds up costing them more money in the long run. A reliable workers' compensation attorney will generally more than make up for the fees that they collect, since they will help you present a stronger case for your claim. Trying to save a bit of money by forgoing this step of hiring a lawyer could end up with you not getting anything at all when the case is over. Here's a good read about Ashcraft & Gerel, check it out! 


Increase Your Odds of Success


To obtain a successful result, there's so much preparation that is needed before a workers' comp hearing. A lot of this preparation takes place in the few months before to the hearing, during a period referred to as "discovery." Discovery is the time when your lawyer will employ particular legal tools to collect information and evidence to strengthen of your claim. Your lawyer may also question witnesses under oath (known as "depositions"), represent you at your own deposition undertaken by the insurance company's lawyer, and obtain additional medical opinion if there is a dispute regarding the severity of your injuries. A lawyer can also boost your chances of receiving a fair settlement without even going to a hearing. When you have a Baltimore workers' compensation lawyer, the insurance agency will have more motivation to negotiate.


Fight For Your Rights

Although Baltimore workers' compensation laws are intended to protect workers who get hurt during the course of their work, the benefits cannot be certainly guaranteed in every single employee. Frequently, employers and their powerful workers' compensation insurance agencies attempt to downplay the severity of an injury or even claim that the condition was preexisting or happened due to an incident outside the workplace. Some claimants may try to deal with their own workers compensation claims on their own, believing that the insurance company will what is right. Unfortunately, these same people may have their claims denied.

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